French-Girl Beauty at Any Age

Skin is everything.

French women don’t look for perfect skin, just great skin. In America, I see more of a quest for perfection, which is unattainable and frustrating. As long as my skin is healthy and hydrated, I don’t worry too much about wrinkles—they’re part of the process! No one needs to be flawless. I learned about skin care at a very young age, but getting older, I take even better care of my skin. I always loved face massages, but I recently discovered microcurrent, a very natural way to tone the skin. I also now choose more-hydrating products, like hyaluronic acid, and I started using an eye cream—lately the one from goop—so my concealer goes on more smoothly.

My tried-and-true beauty ritual that makes my skin glow is double-cleansing. During the first cleanse, you get rid of impurities, pollution, and makeup with a creamy product, like the balm cleanser from goop. During the second cleanse, you get to the topmost layer of skin.

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